Well, now is the time to look changes about portfolio start and the end of this portfolio. I don't think that it has imporved because we have had to do the majority of things now in the end and the quality isn't really good. It only have changed because we have put more texts than the other term because in the other term it was more about practical things for example LANGUAGE LEVEL, PASSPORT and these things. About the grammar, I think that I've imporved with verbs, with the "to" because I always put for, and now I've recognized that I've to put TO. Well, this is all, I haven't got more to say here.
L: Do you remember the day when we were to the beach last summer? E: (surpirsed) would you say ont he firsts of summer? L: No,no! at the end of August! that we met... E: Ah YES! LOL! you are saying the day that we met those boys..are you? L: Yeah! they've sent me a letter, and they are comming soon! E: Really? And what have they said? L: They are going to come in July and they invite us to be with them in their campiste. E: it's fantastic! have they sent you a picture? L: Yes...that one that we were toghter with those two pretty boys.. E: (with a lovely eyes) It was a great night but it was a shame that it was the last because they had to come back home =(... L: So, will we accept the invitation? E: Of course! Let's go to call them!
Year 1944, the fifth year of peace. Ofelia is a 13-year-old girl next to her mother, Carmen, convalescent due to an advanced state of pregnancy, moves up in a small village which is highlighted Vidal, a cruel army captain Franco, the new husband of Carmen and making Ofelia does not feel any affection. Vidal's mission is to eliminate the last vestiges of the Republican resistance, hidden in the mountains of the area. Also there was the mill where Vidal has its centre of operations; therein lie in wait Mercedes, a young woman who is in charge of the other members of the service, and the doctor who will take care of the delicate state of health of Carmen. One night Ofelia discovers the ruins of a labyrinth in which he is a faun and fairies, a strange creature that makes a stunning revelation: Ofelia is actually a princess, the last of his ilk, which have long been waiting for theirs. To be able to return to their magical kingdom, the girl will face three tests before the full moon. During this mission, fantasy and reality hug to give free rein to a wonderful story where the magic that surrounds Ofelia transports us to a single universe, full of adventures and charged with emotion.
3 words learnt: ilk: raça,espècie stunning: impressionant highlighted: rellevant
Em dic Elisenda Lladó, i sóc nativa de Girona. Visc a Empuriabrava, tot i que durant la setmana resideixo a Girona mentre estudio a la Facultat de Dret de la UdG. Vaig néixer el dia 85è del calendari gregorià, i 86è els anys de traspàs, és a dir, el 26 de març, o si preferiu, el mateix dia que va Morir L.V. Beethoven amb uns quants anys de diferència. Potser per això m'agrada tant la música. Qui sap. Cal afegir, que sóc defensora del català, potsér perquè el més de març de 1991, any que em van donar a llum, el Tribunal Constitucional va exigir el coneixement ple de l'idioma català pels funcionaris de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
Sóc Aries, símbol de foc, segurament el meu temperament es deu aquest fenòmen, tenint en compte que el representa el Deu de la guerra Mart (romà) i Ares (grec). Tot i així, em considero una persona que toca de peus a terra. El meu principal modus operandi es l'ataraxia epicúrea i la upeksa.
Tell me why are you doing that? I love you to much for forget you.
And I want, to live with you but I don't know if I can forgive you.
Run, come, here with me I prepare thausands surprises for us Please, kiss me for last time if you want scape forever.
Marina and me made this song many years ago, I think that in first of ESO, and we spent a lot of moments for make it. It's the song that we've made that we prefere, because it's which is make with careful and patinece. We wanted to be famous singers, the dream of a lot of little women ;P